Monday, August 10, 2009

Weston-Super-Mare, The Beach.

It's been raining all day today. I went to the physio in the morning. He says there is some improvement, I can't see it myself but I'll keep on doing the exercises until the next visit. I've started getting the rooms ready for our visitors. Despite having spare bedrooms each one is filled with 'stuff'. The boys seem to think the rooms are there so they can store all their stuff from their hobbies etc. That's why the conservatory has a scooter and tons of 40k figures, scenery and things that might be useful for building more scenarios. One spare room is full of guns, camo clothing and repair stuff, another has a (2nd ) drum kit and a third is full of Vytas' childhood games, books and all his uni papers. He can take all that back with him next weekend or it's going to the dump/charity shop. That's why I have such a hard time trying to tidy all this clutter.
The rain has kept me indoors so here are more pictures from Weston.
This was the first time I'd driven along a beach.
In the car park looking back to the road.

Nearer to the water the sand/mud was covered in shells. I could see lots of design ideas, you could do a whole portfolio based on natural designs from that beach.

I ventured into the wet area and found it rather muddy.

And then I saw this sign. It must make it a dangerous beach when the tide starts to come in and the mud areas are hidden from sight. I wouldn't like to try swimming there.

Slightly cleaner feet !

Across the sand was an interesting looking island.

Looking down the beach towards the pier and the town.

And now looking right across the Bristol Channel towards Cardiff with the Welsh mountains in the distance.
Finally, on the way home I got a photo of the Wicker Man by the M5. It is a 12 m high willow construction on a steel frame. It did get burnt down in 2001 , was rebuilt and last year had another make over as his head was becoming unravelled. There are a few odd creations by the motorway. There are a couple of almost life size camels (left over from a carnival?) sitting together in a field and yesterday for the first time I saw a life sized t-Rex peering over a hedge on the other side of the motorway.