Thursday, August 13, 2009

Milo And Patch.

Lovely and sunny today, positively hot ! I spent the morning rushing around trying to get the place into shape. Then Romas and I drove to town to collect Linas from the train station and to go up to the college to pick up Romas' results. He has spent 2 years doing a music BTech which is equivalent to 3 A-levels. He got the highest marks, triple distinction, which are equivalent to 3 grade A's at A-level. While I was waiting for him I noticed that the carpentry dept had bags of woodshavings outside so I filled up the car with as much as I could fit in. Once we got home the boys cleaned out the hen house and put down a nice deep bed of shavings for the hens. Our friends arrived and Sam joined in with the general tidying of the chicken's run, chopping down over hanging branches etc. In the meantime Kate and I enjoyed the hot sunshine, I did a little gardening but mostly we chatted. Milo is Sam and Kate's Jack Russell, he has known our cats all his life and Patch just can't resist tormenting him. Patch has no fear, he walks up to Milo, gives him a friendly bop and then usually attacks a leg or ear. Milo lives with a fierce ginger cat twice his size who is one mean critter. Sherlock is not a cat to be stroked and thinks nothing of sinking his teeth into cats, dogs and people.

So being used to Sherlock, Milo knows that he better submit to any confident cat. Patch certainly was enjoying teasing Milo.

Not the most dignified pose from Milo.
Vytas, Kate B and Alex arrived later in the afternoon accompanied by Kate's guinea pig. The guinea pig is hopefully safely locked in their bedroom as Milo and the cats would love a change of diet.
PS. The 3 call ducks have escaped the fox so far.