Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Butterfly Day.

It's been a lovely day today, sunny but not too hot. First thing in the morning there was a lot of dew in the garden. There must of been hundreds of busy spiders making these hammock webs in the hedge.After hanging up several loads of washing on the line, (something of a rare event), I spent most of the day working in the garden, still cleaning those concrete slabs .
The next 2 of my buddleia bushes , the pink and the lavender, are flowering and covered in butterflies and bees. It makes taking butterfly pictures very easy.

This Red Admiral is feeding on the purple buddleia up in the scree garden.

This is the first Peacock butterfly I've seen this year.

And another Red Admiral on the lavender buddleia. This evening I glanced out of one of the windows overlooking the stream and saw the most amazing flash of blue. It was a kingfisher disappearing up into the trees. Romas said he saw it earlier just sitting on the drain pipe. I shall keep a close eye out for it as I've only seen one here once before. Yesterday while I was on the train to Exeter I saw a Little Egret in a meadow. They were once a rarity but are slightly more common now. When we went to Lundy Island a few years ago we sailed past a large tree festooned with these snow white birds.
Peter went to the GP for an injection into the knee and seems to have had a rough time with the doctor having to try 6 times to get the needle in the right place, ouch. Romas is sorting out his kit for Weston and doing some running repairs on his (borrowed ) morion. I'm combining 2 trips in one as I'll drive Romas to catch a train from Tiverton which is half way for him and also on my way to Plymouth to pick up all Linas' belongings. Linas will not come home till next week as he has things to do but he can bring himself home on the train. (Next week I won't have Peter's car which holds a lot more than my micra.)