Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Goodbye To John .

The sun has been shining today but today has been a sad day. Today I went to a neighbour's funeral. John was only 65 and had a heart attack while playing golf. His wife Penny is one of my WI friends and it is a terrible loss. John was a really nice person , ex serious crime squad and fraud squad with some interesting tales to tell. The service was taken by a member of the Humanist society. I suppose that it is hypocritical when people do not have any faith but still have a church service for weddings and funerals but it was still a bit of a surprise to me. That was the saddest part of the day for me, the fact that the family have no faith. I know that I would be lost, in all senses of the word, without my faith. The final choice of music made everyone smile - Always look on the bright side of life. It reminded me of the time some years ago when I was ill in bed and feeling rather down, Peter taught the song to the boys and they all came up to the bedroom and sang it to me to cheer me up.There were about 100 people at the funeral and most went back to Penny's house. The sun was blazing away and we were able to sit out in the immaculate garden. Several of my WI friends who were there have lost their husbands over the past few years including the lady who had lived in that house for 25 years before selling it to Penny and John. It was good to catch up with my friends as school work has stopped me going to the meetings this year.
I walked down the lane with a friend to collect her car from another friend's house and we were invited to have a look around the garden.

This is how a summer day in Devon should look.

The bees and the butterflies have been busy today making up for yesterday's poor weather. As I walked past the buddleia it was buzzing with hundreds of honey bees and I counted 7 different species of butterfly including the Hummingbird Hawkmoth. No wonder the other name for the buddleia is the butterfly bush. I didn't do much this afternoon but I did fit in a run to the dump with a car load of stuff to chuck. I was hoping to find some plain white tiles in the recycling section as I need just one more to complete the tiling in the kitchen but they didn't have any.

I'm glad that the weather was good today for Penny, rain is so miserable and it is such a sad day for her.