Thursday, August 13, 2009

Not A Good Day.

Wednesday was a miserable day. The cloud level was so low it enveloped the house and garden making everything wet with very fine rain. It was one of those days where I found it hard to get my mind and body into gear. It took lots of coffee and most of a book before I could gird my loins and carry on making the house ready for our guests.
Later in the afternoon the clouds lifted a little , (just to the top of the hill), and I decided to nip to Brian Fords to do some food shopping. It was quite a surprise to find the whole town in a major traffic jam. The roads were solid from the Muddiford turn-off, all through Pilton and Chaddiford Lane and up and down Braunton Road as far as the eye could see . It would be normal traffic for London but not for down here. It was only when I had crawled over the bridge that the reason became clear. There had been an accident on the 'stones' roundabout between a lorry and a motorbike. Tragically the biker had been killed and the lorry driver had been arrested, something that usually only happens when the cause is clear. I found out from the local news that the biker was a local man in his 50s, somebody's son, probably husband and dad. What a waste. It is just so sad when something like this happens.