Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Monsoon Arrives.

It was a warm night last night, 25C in our bedroom even with the windows open. Early this morning, as I drove up the hill, I could see the promised rain clouds looming.
By lunchtime , after a muggy morning, the rain arrived - big time. I'd gone up to the staffroom to print some photos and the heavens simply opened. I decided to wait out the rain before venturing across the flooded playground back to the main building. Unusually, it has stayed very warm even with the rain.

Back home after a tiring day, ( the children seemed to be especially noisy today after investigating ice and eating their ice lollies), the rain continued unabated. So I went out and took more rose pictures anyway.

The arum lilies make wonderful shapes as they unfurl. I've a couple of main clumps which tend to seed themselves around the garden.

The house is extra quiet tonight as Romas is back down in Bude for a band practice or a gig. All this rain won't be good for the beach parties they always seem to be having.