Friday, July 17, 2009

Good Bye Mrs B.

This is what a summer's day in the UK looks like. I took this photo on the way home after a day of heavy showers. I woke this morning to find a gale blowing outside. The ran was lashing down and the trees were being blown around by the gale force winds. As I drove to school I had to drive through 2 flooded sections of road and all the way there was water pouring down the sides of the road. Today was the last day of term and we had a special assembly to say goodbye to our retiring Headteacher. The children sang 'Magic Penny' and 'I believe' as well as reading out their memories of Mrs B. She is much loved and will be sorely missed after 18 years of nurturing all those little souls who have passed through our doors. Some of us will be back in school next week to sort out our classrooms and plan for next term. The classrooms looked like a bomb had hit them after the children had their parties in the classrooms as well as some disco dancing and 'acts' in the hall. I tried to leave my classroom tidy for the teacher returning after maternity leave. I will now be moving up to year 1, (with half of my old class) to work part time with the deputy head who will be acting head for one term until the new Head starts in January. I was given lots of lovely cards and presents by the children. This evening I've been chilling out with some delicious chocolates. I also was given some gorgeous roses and carnations and a pretty garden flower which I've already planted out.
Can you guess which are Mrs B's favourite colours?

Later this evening there was a sunny spell so I went for a gentle stroll. The ponies were out in the fields. Little Percy is not quite a year old and looks in magnificent condition.

The blackcurrants were shining like bunches of black grapes. I'll have to think about picking them soon before the blackbird helps himself.

The raspberries are also beginning to ripen and I know the blackbirds gets far more than I do. I'm happy to eat a handful when I go up to feed the hens.

You can just see where the gravel has been washed away by water which flows out of the hillside. When Romas gets back from Bude, another band practice/ party this weekend, he'll need to get out there and rake back the gravel which has been washed down into the yard.

This little stone lined ditch is usually bone dry but when we get heavy rain water pours out of the hillside and this ditch channels it into the pond. From the pond there is an overflow pipe which leads into a land drain and out into the stream.