Tuesday, July 14, 2009

3 Days To Go.

These last 2 weeks seem to be taking forever. I woke this morning and in my half awake state I tried to work out which day it was. I had almost decided it was Thursday when I realised we hadn't seen Holby this week so it had to be Tuesday. It was a bit of a late night last night after our sumptuous meal ( for 20 of us) at The Honeymoon. (I took the camera as usual and then completely forgot to take any pictures). There was lots of chat and laughter and it was a great way to wind down at the end of the year. The food is always good there and as there was plenty left at the end I asked for a 'doggy bag' and took home beef in back bean sauce and some pork for Peter to enjoy.
The big tidy up has started in earnest in my class. I hate to see all the display boards stripped bare so we only took down some of the art work today. The children will taking everything home tomorrow so all their models will also have to be taken down and wrapped for safe transport home and I'll take the backing paper off the walls on Thursday. Today we had the first of the final assemblies. The Year 2 classes showed the work they had done this year and talked about their memories of the Infant School as they prepare to move to the Junior School after the summer holidays. Their families were also invited so it was a bit of a tight squeeze in the hall. And guess what ? The heavy rain started up again just as it was time for the children to go home.

And today's mystery object is ......
......... a big fat waterlily bud. It's one of several on the little pond. I'm quite excited because there have only been a few flowers in all the years since I planted it. The pond is very overgrown at the moment but I think there are 4 buds waiting to open.

The arum lilies continue to provide interesting shapes to photograph. This one is supplemented by a small green creature and a leaf from the yellow water iris.