Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer veggies and looking towards fall

The squash, bean and tomato plants continue to produce. I've never had summer squash in this quantity before; somehow the squash vine borer population is greatly diminished this year, so the Cocozelle zucchini, Ronde de Nice (Eight-Ball), and Summerstick are doing well (in contrast, my tromboncino vines seem to be the favorite of the (currently) resident woodchuck.

Tomatoes are ripening rapidly in the dry summer heat; I've been impressed by the Sungold tomatoes -- I love their sweet-tart flavor, and they're certainly productive. A delicious fresh tomato sauce for dinner featured a tomato mix -- yum, with fresh squash as a side dish, of course. The beans are taking a rest. This was a harvest from last week!

Tomorrow, I'm going to begin sowing broccoli and brussel sprouts seeds, and maybe a bit of experimental Pac Choi, for transplanting in 4 weeks or so, in mid-August. I'll also try a first sowing of fall carrots and beets, along with more basil and summer lettuce.

It seems nuts, but now's the time to do it.