Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Walking On The Marshes.

Wednesday once more and time for a walk down on Braunton Marshes while Romas had his drum lesson. Although the day had started cold and wet the afternoon was bright and sunny. Now that the holidays are almost here there were more people than usual, both cycling and running as well as in their cars. It was still a very enjoyable walk, soaking up the sun and looking for interesting things to photograph.I found the swan and her cygnet in their usual place.

The cygnet looks like an ugly grey goose with the adult feathers just starting to show. Despite its size it still cheeps like a chick.

Further along the road I saw this little brown duck.

Accompanied by one, .............

............... no, two, ducklings.

Revise that, there were five ducklings in all.

They were quite bold despite the fact that I didn't have any bread, only some fish food. I also saw a low flying heron but my reactions were too slow and I only managed to capture a wing tip on my camera. I tried to find some very loud crickets that were right by my feet in the undergrowth but they were too good at hiding.

Today we had a Leavers' Assembly for one of the Year 2 classes. Each child comes up to receive a certificate and the Headteacher gives a little talk about that child. She knows every child in the school ( and their families) really well. School is really dragging, mainly because we are all so tired. We keep wondering if we are going down with swine flu or are our sore throats just the usual end of year illness that most teachers get. Currently if you think you have the flu you have to talk to a doctor over the phone and then send someone to collect some Tamiflu which gets rid of it in a few days. I'm resigned to getting it some where along the line, I just don't want it when my eyes are due to be operated on (10 days to go).