Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Melting Moments.

Yet another hot day with lots of sunshine. The main building was nice and cool which wasn't much good to me and Chris as we were in a baking hot hut doing parent interviews for nearly 4 hours. I've just got 2 parents to see and then I'm done. Yippee !
I stopped on the way home to take some photos of the interesting skyscape, thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow.

The calves in the field came galloping up to see if I had brought them some food.

In the hedgerows the rose bay willow herb, (fireweed) is starting to flower. I've seen a cultivated white variety on garden shows but never wild.
All is quiet at home as Linas went back to Plymouth yesterday. We've no idea what he is going to do after August 17th when his lease runs out. Back home I suppose. It's the constant screaming music and general noise that unsettles the household.
Numbers of laboratory confirmed cases of swine flu are now over 6,500 with many more people simply being told over the phone to stay home and ride it out.