Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Peter.

Today is Peter's birthday. Because he has an assignment due in today and he lost time on the weekend because of his knee and the party, we've decided to celebrate on Saturday instead. We don't go in for big celebrations but just have a nice meal. I expect he''ll opt for a kebab feast which is our combination of take away kebab meat ( so full of calories) and lots of home made salads with pitta breads.

Spooky moment at work today - after an enjoyable but stressful sports day (weather fine, not too hot, ) we suddenly noticed that this clock was running backwards. After lots of fun banter about time running backwards etc somebody tried turning the adjuster dial and it started going forwards again. It is a very old clock that runs directly off the mains electricity so there must have been a blip in the electricity supply. Strange !

Romas met me after school today for a lift down to Braunton for his drum lesson. I went for my usual photo walk down on the marshes . It was so peaceful after a hectic day, I almost felt as if I was meditating and I certainly felt a lot calmer. I saw the swan and her cygnet but despite my bread throwing she stayed in the field. I went walking up the road with the sound of skylarks and other small birds overhead.

This time I came across a very friendly pair of swans. It was difficult persuading them to keep their distance so that I could take photos. They kept trying to get close to me for more stale bread.

When I went to collect Romas there was another treat for me. Two 9 week old alsation puppies at his drum teacher's house. It was such a hardship to sit in the garden and play with them for 10 minutes while Romas finished drumming.