Saturday, July 4, 2009

Disaster Averted.

Phew ! I though I was going to have to report a major disaster, the demise of my trusty camera. I sat down at the pc to realise that my camera was lying on the floor, lens extended at a horrible angle. Peter had a look at it and after we decided that the damage was major he had another go at pushing the lens in while turning on the motor and hey presto it clicked back into place. I won't be leaving my camera on the edge of the desk again.
Poor old Peter woke up this morning with a badly swollen knee making it almost impossible to walk. He's spent the day in bed bemoaning the fact that he couldn't do his on-line OU work. We had planned to go into town first thing but that'll have to wait till next week. We've had a lot of heavy rain today with a few sunny spells. I started doing some of the housework today which basically hasn't been touched since the last school holidays. The men in this house don't notice or care about the mess and the dirt and so it is all left for me to do in my 'holidays'. I got a lot of cleaning done in the kitchen and spent the rest of the day collating all my information on writing CVs and finally I have a draft copy which I'll show to colleagues at work for their input. I've never had to write a CV before as all my jobs have had standard application forms but I need a CV to Email to employment agencies in NZ. Luckily there is a lot of specialised information out on the web which has proved useful.
In one of my brief forays outside I noticed some little black butterflies skipping along in the field. I finally found one that was resting for a few seconds on the long grass. I can now identify it as a Ringlet, a common grassland butterfly.
The scree garden needs a bit of weeding but I didn't have the time for gardening today.
Late this afternoon Romas arrived home rather worn out having walked the 6 miles from town carrying a heavy kit bag full of drum equipment. He had tried ringing home but I hadn't put the phone back properly and he couldn't get through. They had a good gig and there is a possibility they may get to go on tour this summer for a few weeks. He's had the results of his college course, DDM- almost top marks, which is good enough for his university place though he still has to get his drum exam. It's one step at a time with him.