Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Changing Hedgerows.

This morning the local weather forecast contained the words, torrential rain, thunder, lightening and hailstones. It hasn't been quite as bad as that and we've only had a few drops of rain but it certainly doesn't feel like summer. Monday's sports day was postponed till tomorrow when hopefully the weather will be better. We've started the big clean up where every bit of equipment in the classroom is washed or wiped down. I've already started putting pillow cases of lego in the staff room dishwasher. It's a great way to clean small items. The children will have the chance to wash stuff in bowls of soapy water. They love doing this and usually get rather wet. I stopped on the way home to take a few pictures to show how the character of the hedgerows has changed. Gone are the bright yellows and blues and instead there is a lot of white and dusty pink.
Already many of the plants are turning sandy brown as the colours fade and the seed heads appear.

One lovely moment at school today: I was working with a group of children who were using a teaspoon to dig for coins in a pile of sand with a plastic palm tree stuck on top - 'Digging for Pirate Treasure,' and one boy said " This is the most fun activity I've ever done." That made me feel so good because my main aim as a teacher is to motivate the children so that they learn while having fun. The lesson objective was to identify and add coins which they all did with enthusiasm.