Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wild Flowers.

Going home this evening I had to slow down for this silly pheasant so of course out came the camera. It's been dry and windy today but not as sunny as the last few days.
My daily journey through the lanes takes me past banks of flowers including these wild garlic near Ashelford Corner.

At home more and more flowers are appearing in the garden. This ivy leaved toadflax was originally introduced as a garden flower to this country, escaped to the wild and has now colonised this stone wall down by the yard.

It is much prettier than the wild dog violets so I'm happy to leave it where it is though I do weed it out of the flower beds.

The first of the azaleas is flowering, These yellow ones are not so spectacular to look at but have an amazingly strong scent. Back up in the woodland area the red azalea planted on top of our terrier Sprite, has started to flower. Sprite was a rescue crossbreed who lived a long and happy life and died at home one afternoon aged 17 years.

I'm not sure how well these flowers will stand up to the promised heavy rains so I've been out enjoying their scent and beauty.