Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rain Again.

The strong winds of the last few days have completely died away but the rain set in mid-afternoon and it's been raining ever since. As I look out of the window the trees are so still they almost look like a giant stage set or one of those holographic pictures. I'm so used to seeing the constant motion of the leaves in the wind. This morning I didn't feel much like getting out of bed and as I drove up the hill neither Percy nor her babysitter could be bothered to get up. Percy is actually fast asleep.
At school I still had 6 children away. The classroom is swarming with plastic bugs as the campsite has now become a Jungle Explorer's Camp. The children spend a lot of time looking for tiny photos of minibeasts which we hide all around the classroom. It's a good thing that none of us has a phobia about spiders or other bugs. Some of the bigger than life size models are very realistic.
As there weren't many photo opportunities today here are a few more pictures taken in the marsh yesterday. I was only walking for half an hour and there wasn't any sun but there was still plenty to see.
Cattle grazing in a meadow.

A couple of ducks on one of the drainage ditches.
