Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring gardening

In good years (that is, with normal rainfall and without an unexpectedly late hard frost), this is a time our native trees, shrubs, and woodland wildflowers are bursting with green leaves and spring flowers, creating the green tapestry that is a wonderful part of spring.

We've had plenty of rain this spring, thank goodness, helping ease the drought conditions of the last decade, which were at 100-yr extremes over the two years. There are lots of echo effects of drought-stress; shallow-rooted dogwoods and azaleas have succumbed in many neighborhood yards, as well as much older red oaks, pines, and water oaks.

But, the rhododendrons in the shady area near the porch look lovely this year. And, my impulse purchase of moisture-loving magenta-flowered bee-balm and a lime-colored heuchera hasn't been for naught. (The two hybrid lobelias, unfortunately, have failed to make a reappearance; they came back last spring, but not this one.)