Saturday, May 9, 2009

The May Fayre.

I had to go into town this morning to collect Romas once I'd got past the road block at the Lewis'. As I was running out of corn we drove down to South Molton to get some poultry corn at Mole Valley Farmers. Their swish new premises were busy with everyone from ruddy faced farmers clutching armloads of electric fencing poles to eager young pony girls contemplating the pink and purple ranges of buckets, scoops and other stable items. As well as everything for the farm from rat traps to sheep wormers there is everything for the country set - Barbour jackets and kiddies equestrian wear. We had to go round to the yard to pick up the corn, which was much like the old yard on the Braunton road where you pick your way between feed sacks and fence posts.
I've just changed channels on the tv (didn't want to watch Match of the Day), and caught the last few minutes of Bill Bailey's Guide to the orchestra on BBC2. That man is absolutely amazing. I'll definitely have to watch the whole of the program on BBCiplayer.
Carol Klein (Gardeners' World) came to open The Secret Garden at school today. It was a lovely day for our May Fayre. I did my stint serving teas and wandered over to the plant tent where I bought a plant and had a conversation with Carol about woodruff which is a rampant weed (that I planted) in my garden but was on sale today.

The weather was perfect for the Fayre so hopefully we have raised lots of money. I can't say I was thrilled to find my classroom turned upside down to accommodate a Wii game on my interactive white board. I'll have to aim to get in at least half an hour earlier on Monday to get the classroom straight.

And of course the day wouldn't be complete with an ice cream from the Hocking's van, mm.

Finally, not a tornado, only an interesting cloud formation at sunset.