The weather couldn't make up its mind today. Raining one minute, hot and humid the next. As I drove home there were dark clouds in the distance and I could see rain pouring down over Exmoor but so far nothing here.

My journey home was blocked by the usual traffic jam - Mr Lewis' cows coming in for milking.

As I watched the cows crossing the road I was once again struck by how farming has gone to extremes. As they're not beef cattle ( I think they're Holsteins) they've been bred to have the minimum amount of muscle to produce the maximum amount of milk. Their hip bones almost seem to be sticking through their skins. ( No reflection on the farmer, it's just the way that dairy cattle are.) It looks so unnatural.
My journey home was blocked by the usual traffic jam - Mr Lewis' cows coming in for milking.
Had another good day in school, I got stuck into some messy art with the kids doing bubble printing. I got messy, they blew the bubbles. Being Friday, hooray, it was our planning afternoon and Chris and I put up a massive collage type display in the main corridor, of a garden background using lots of stuff the kids have been creating this week and next week we'll add 3d mini beasts.
Dropped into Somerfields to pick up more 75% off bargains. I hardly ever buy anything that is not either reduced or on special offer and our freezer is always jam packed with lots of goodies. Today I treated myself to some half price pecans, still £2 for a bag, and some special offer caramel& cinnamon waffle ice cream for those extra tired moments. Speaking of which - time for me to go and do my bat impression.