I got up early this morning, 5.30, as I needed a cuppa for my throat. The sun was shinning brightly when I fed the hens at 6.30 so after doing a few chores and catching up on my weekend blogs I went out for a walk at 7.30. By that time the clouds were beginning to appear and by the time I got home an hour and a half later it was completely overcast and rather chilly.
The wild honeysuckle can be seen in some of the hedges.
As I walked along the road I could hear a gang of small birds in a tree. There were quite a few birds making a lot of noise twittering and chattering. When I zoomed in with the camera I saw that they were wrens, the smallest of our native birds.
On my way back they had moved along to the next tree. I stood very still and eventually I saw 2 of the wrens in clear view on a branch. It wasn't until I looked at the picture on the pc that I saw the third wren.
In one of the fields a group of calves were waiting for their breakfast.
The sun was shining through these common dock flowers making them look very pretty.
Back home the washing was ready to be hung out in the hen run/ orchard. While my back was turned several of the hens squeezed round the gate and out into the garden. The had a good old scratch around on the lawn. Luckily my hens come when they are called, especially when bread is involved, and it was easy to get them back into the hen run. The rest of the day was spent doing school work,sit ups, weeding and reading out in the garden. My throat has been so sore I finally gave in this evening and had some ice cream. It does the job beautifully but the soothing effect is only temporary. The rest of the time I've been drinking lots of hot drinks, starting with earl grey first thing, then several cups of coffee and for the rest of the day aromatic chai.