A very quick post tonight as I intend to have one last session on my e-profiles tonight, adding comments based on Arts' Weeks and having a final read through before we print them out tomorrow afternoon. Then they'll be read through by our Headteacher for a final check and if there are no corrections that will be that job finished and ready for the afternoons when the parents come in to look at the profiles and talk things through with us. Tomorrow is the end of Arts' Weeks' though I have so many ideas that we may have a few more sessions next week. In a couple of weeks it'll be Sports' Day (morning) and the parents are officially invited into the classrooms to look at all the art work though of course they come into the classroom every morning and the children have been proudly showing off all their lovely work. They have done so many different things from clay work to sewing to (my favourite) making giant caterpillars from the legs of coloured tights stuffed with bubble wrap. I've bought some natural tights to make earthworms tomorrow.
Linas returned home tonight for a few days and if the weather gets a bit drier he hopes to earn some money doing heavy jobs around the garden. There is plenty to do and I don't mind paying if the jobs get done.