It was drum lesson time again for Romas so I set off my walk down at Velator. It was perfect weather for me, sunshine with a cooling breeze. Off I went, down the lane with my pockets full of stale bread but not a sign of the swan or any other water fowl.
However as I rounded the final bend I found this aesthetically pleasing barn to photograph. It must be a listed building to justify the expensive restoration and thatching.
I made my way back to the car only to discover the swan and her cygnet grazing in a meadow by the water.
After a little persuasion, ( what self respecting bird can resist the rustle of a plastic bag?), I got the swan to swim down towards me so I could get some good water shots. Let's face it, swans are not that graceful on land.

Down she and her cygnet came , with me happily snapping away and flinging bits of bread in their direction. Some hens which had been foraging in the meadow heard my dulcet tones and came along to see if I was going to throw some bread their way.
This the swan did not like and she got out to give them a good telling off. (I'd strategically backed off to a safe distance.)

I was hoping she'd do the whole wing stretch threat at the hens but after the hens moved away she stomped back into the water ,
I was hoping she'd do the whole wing stretch threat at the hens but after the hens moved away she stomped back into the water ,
The rest of the day has been ok. I love all the art activities but I'm rather tired as the minute I lie down to sleep a nerve in my shoulder is causing so much pain it's very difficult to get to sleep and then I wake up after a couple of hours. The annoying thing is that it clears almost immediately I start walking around. I have been to the doctor but so far the treatment has been useless. I'll have to make another appointment before I crack up through tiredness. ( Had to retype one paragraph 'cos I deleted instead of justified it.)