Just call me Bat Girl, at least that was Peter's name for me this morning. Yesterday I was so determined to see if I could find some way of sleeping that wouldn't aggravate my shoulder that I dragged a duvet downstairs to see if perhaps I might be able to sleep half sitting up in my comfy armchair. That was no better but then I hit upon the idea of completely taking the weight off my shoulder by laying face down. That idea actually worked best when I let my arm hang over the side of the bed to the floor (supported by a few pillows). However it also meant I had to lie with my head where my feet usually are so that Peter got a few jabs in the ear from my toes ! But it worked, not completely but enough to let me sleep all night. I was so happy in the morning. Still going to see the doc though because it's not getting any better. Enough of my aching bones, it's all part of growing old.
Lots of help from parents in my class again today, that's great because the children get to do so much more with a bit of support. Today they were making caterpillar puppets and have started plaster mini beasts using scrunched up newspaper covered by plaster-of-Paris bandage. Back home it was another alfresco meal from the barbecue king. It wasn't quite so sunny then but I managed to find a few plants to photograph.