Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nearly Over.

I spent this evening going through everyone of the 31 e-profiles with a critical eye and making adjustments. By this time tomorrow the moderation will be over. The moderator will either be appreciative of all the hard work I've done and the way I've put into practice what has been a totally new system, (doubtful) or she will have reduced me to a quivering wreck because I haven't done everything the 'correct' way or been able to justify my evaluations (more likely). Which I know is daft, the process is supposed to be for guidance and support but I wouldn't want to look as if I don't know what I am doing.

On to nicer things. The weather has been wonderful once more. We've had to be vigilant in making sure the children all have hats on in this blazing sunshine, (yes I've got one too for school playtimes). This morning as I drove to work I flushed out a hare. He turned off down a smaller lane.
Then stopped, allowing me to get a blurry zoomed in photo of him.
I had another wildlife encounter last night. As I sat hunched over my lap top a bat flew into the kitchen . The cats were besides themselves with excitement. As they are not above taking a nasty swipe I had to haul them away, 2 by 2 , and shut them in the conservatory. I then turned off all the lights and left the front door open. After about 5 mins of wild swooping around the kitchen often only inches from my head, the little bat found the front door and flew out. The pipistrelles have a summer roost in one of the lofts and it would be illegal to get rid of them but we love having them any way. Much less noisier neighbours than the jackdaws who sometimes sit on the satellite dish blocking the signal to the receiver until we go out and shout at them.

Out in the garden the brightest of the azealeas is flowering,

and the first of the blue hardy geraniums,

and more roses on the front wall of the house.

While in the pond there are at least a dozen of these 'wild' iris in flower.
That's all for tonight, off to bed and tomorrow I can get back to my sit ups which have been on hold for the last few days becauseof lack of time.