Happily, the goldfinches are also sipping water from the bird bath, so hopefully, they think our garden is a good habitat. Two males were chasing each other from the feeder this evening.

I find grounding in my experience of nature in our garden, in natural areas, and gardens that I visit. The connection with nature that I experience is something that I derive sustenance from.
I wish for more people to be able to connect to the green world, whether it's via plants on a balcony, growing vegetables for the first time, planting flowers next to the porch, or walking in the woods or a natural area.
I've only had to endure 3 years of an office without a window over my work life (a blessing, to be sure), and I still had a respite of working in the Garden with volunteers.
My surroundings are much different now.
For so many things, I'm grateful.