It's so miserable driving to and from work in the dark that I thought I'd cheer up the blog with a few random garden pictures from past years.
Work is going a little more smoothly each day as I get back into the swing of working with the little ones. I'm getting pretty quick at helping putting tights on after PE. My white board was playing up again ie not working but 3 of us fiddled with it today and hopefully I'll be able to use it properly. Mind you my newest classroom pc has gone totally on the blink and my lap top won't connect to the Internet at school though it is fine at home. Well you can't have everything. I've finally managed to sort out the home visits for my 3 new children. This was complicated by having to arrange cover for an afternoon for me and the teaching assistant who works with me. The 3 families we will be visiting all have older children who've been through the school so they already know most of what happens in school, it's just the e-profiles that we do for each child that will be new. They're such nice parents they even offered to come into school for the interviews but part of the purpose of the visit is to see the children in their homes in a more relaxed atmosphere and to give the parents the opportunity to give their views/concerns away from the school setting.