I woke this morning to the sound of rain lashing against the windows and the wind rushing through the trees. Just the sort of morning to snuggle under the duvet and let the sound of the weather lull you back to sleep. But it wasn't to be - 6.30 and out of bed as usual, yuk. Peter and Romas had the luxury of a lie-in as Romas was going to the recording studios and didn't need to be there till 10.00. It rained on and off all day with the children losing some of their playtimes because of the rain.
Our first per visitor today was this large rabbit called Blossom, (it's her companion that bites), but she would probably have legged it if she had been put on the carpet as she is quite a lively rabbit. She is a Rex rabbit which is why she has curly whiskers and an extra thick soft coat.
The sun came out on my way home and I thought it was time to take some photos of one of the magnolia trees that are on my way home. If I leave it any longer we'll be back to grey skies or the wind will have blown all the blossom off. There are about 7 of these trees in gardens on my way home. Somebody must have been swapping seedlings or cuttings some time back.
I travel along this lane every day on my way to work. It is just behind Pilton Abbey so may have been in use for 1,000 years. I once scraped the side of my landrover on the pillar on the right hand side when I was squeezing through in a rush thinking that a large lorry was reversing at me.